building unique homes that reflect your personality

our process


The Construction Process

We work closely with our clients to help them design a unique business or home that truly reflects the personality and style of their company and family.

We spend much more time upfront with our clients and have a very thorough, consultative process that helps guide you through budgeting, designing, and detailing your structure. We work with an architect, or draftsman, depending on the project, and we are always open to unique ideas and materials to help achieve your vision of your dream space. A lot of time is spent establishing realistic budgets and we work hard to help keep our clients on a budget.

Embracing available technology helps enhance the building process. We use a cloud-based software program to make communication between the client, subcontractors, and our staff more efficient. 

Vertex Construction LLC employs its own carpenters who are truly the finest, most experienced craftsmen. We also select the best subcontractors with the latest technology. Our employees and subcontractors are a reflection of our company and its values.

We build strong relationships with our clients and our commitment to service is key to these relationships.